Название: Road Rash 3 Ti Описание : Хак игры Road Rash 3 от хакера под ником TiОсобенностью является фикс множества багов игры, а также добавление 6 кнопочного управления, счётчика FPS - включается в меню игры, поддержка CD музыки в Sega CD или mp3 музыки в совместимых эмуляторах.Также на каждом уровне доступны все 7 трасс.Этот хак в отличии от оригинала хорошо дружит с разгоном CPU, мотоцикл не становится "дубовым" от разгона игры до 30 FPS Для стабильных 30 FPS в игре рекомендую эмулятор Regen0972Dhttps://world79.spcs.bio/files/view/92272978/С разгоном CPU до 20 MHzДелается через Tools-Overclock M68000 ставим значение 1280Изменения в игре:v1.03+ added support for music from disc with sega-cd.+ nitro now works for X, Y, or double B.+ some fixes/updates.v1.02+ passwords acceptance fixed.+ fixed no music in blastem emulator if max overclock level set.v1.01+ fixed problem in v1.0 with player sprite position, when he reaches upper border of the screen.+ fixed no music in main menu after australia race, if engines:on was set.v1.0 public release.additions:+ each level now have all 7 tracks.+ two new unused scenes now in split-screens modes. to get: if one of players get 1-3 place, while other player being exploded or arrested.+ support for mp3 music with mednafen-doomday mod (put 1.mp3, 2.mp3,.. in /bgm folder where's rom).+ support for music with sega-cd.improvements:+ 6-buttons control - weapon switch by Z, and nitro by Y or X.+ fixed usage of nitro for nothing (can't use if already being used).+ code optimization - better FPS, even without overclocking.+ up to 30 FPS in splitscreen mode in 'overclocked' emulators.+ with higher fps rates , player's bike turns speed no longer reduces.+ showage current fps (option).+ new passwords that saves weapon.+ engines sfx with music.+ bikes limited to 3 per level.+ every nitrobike now with 8 nitro charges.bugfixes:+ fixed bug with of impossiblity passing level2 in splitscreen mode.+ fixed bug with siren+copter sound.+ fixed bug with possiblity of attack(w/o anim) under mace/prod effect.+ fixed bug when you lose weapon charges if make kick attacks.+ fixed bug with player freezing if hit with mace/prod while he's staying.+ fixed hit sprites when fall from bike, broken in RR3.+ fixed bug in mano a mano - animation rotation of tires separated for p1/p2 instead of both use player1.+ in gens-based emulators bikes palettes in shop switches properly.+ fixed bug when after demo play on australia music no playing.+ fixed bug when enemy hits in roe(deer), player's bike get damage.+ fixed bug with moneys in bike shop when in two players mode player may get other player money.+ fixed bug with losing music if press 'start' while track loading. Добавлено : 19 дек 2022